Paulino Martin

Born 1968, Mexico
Has practiced at Creative Growth since 2003

Paulino Martin’s ethereal, floating heads and figures usually wear smiles, but even when they appear to be more abstract or expressionless his bands of rainbow hues that make up the background leave the viewer with a feeling of optimism. He often leaves his initial graphite sketch visible beneath his ink and watercolor, creating a sketchy and intangible quality to his work. In his textile pieces, Martin skillfully embroiders clothing with his familiar vibrant rainbow palette to create couture looks. Martin also acts in many original productions in the Creative Growth Digital Media Lab.

Las cabezas y figuras etéreas y flotantes de Paulino Martin suelen llevar una sonrisa, pero incluso cuando parecen más abstractas o inexpresivas, sus bandas de colores del arco iris que forman el fondo dejan al espectador con una sensación de optimismo. A menudo deja su boceto de grafito inicial visible debajo de su tinta y acuarela, creando una cualidad incompleta e intangible en su trabajo. En sus piezas textiles, Martin borda hábilmente la ropa con su paleta familiar y vibrante de arcoíris para crear apariencias de alta costura. Martin también actúa en muchas producciones originales en Creative Growth Digital Media Lab.


Disparate Minds


The Creative Commons, ArtYard, Frenchtown

D’Dessin Paris Contemporary Drawing Fair, Paris
Visual Oasis: Works from Creative Growth, Carson City
Art is for Everyone, Telegraph Hill Gallery, San Francisco

D’Dessin Paris Contemporary Drawing Fair, Paris
Outsider Art Fair, New York

Large Drawings, 836M Gallery, San Francisco

Vis-à-vis, Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York, curated by Michael Mahalchick

Future Imagined, Laney College, Oakland

Creative Growth Pop-up Shop, Screaming Mimi’s, New York