Born 1964 in Keene, New Hampshire
Has practiced at Creative Growth since 1993

Sherrie Aradanas derives inspiration from the flashy worlds of Hollywood and the WWE; she depicts her favorite celebrities in order to pay homage to their talents and to better understand them. Her portraits feature wrestlers or actors with artistic focus on their hair and clothes, or, most often, the lack of the latter. Forming an intimate connection between artist and subject, her deep knowledge of these characters allows her to consider signature details that distinguish one machismo “muscle man” from the next. Sherrie’s palette is spare, often working monochromatically and allowing her line work to carry the most weight. In addition to painting and drawing, Sherrie is proficient in embroidery and wood.

Sherrie Aradanas se inspira en los llamativos mundos de Hollywood y la WWE; retrata a sus celebridades favoritas para rendir homenaje a sus talentos y entenderlos mejor. Sus retratos muestran luchadores o actores con un enfoque artístico en su cabello y ropa, o, más a menudo, la falta de este último. Formando una conexión íntima entre el artista y el sujeto, su profundo conocimiento de estos personajes le permite considerar los detalles característicos que distinguen a un "hombre musculoso" machista de otro. La paleta de Sherrie es sobria, a menudo trabaja monocromáticamente y permite que su línea de trabajo tenga más peso. Además de pintar y dibujar, Sherrie domina el bordado y la madera.


Soft Material, NIAD, Richmond

INDIGO MIND: Informed by the work of Dr. Oliver Sacks, StoreFrontLab, San Francisco, co-curated by Cara Levine and Arianne Gelardin
Vis-à-vis, Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York, curated by Michael Mahalchick
Love is A Stranger, Creative Growth Art Center, curated by Leigh Markopoulos