The Collage Party 5

Collage by Monica Valentine

Collage by Monica Valentine


with Visiting Artist Paul Butler
and live music by Steve Oriolo

Thanks for joining Creative Growth artists and Visiting Artist Paul Butler for our fifth (and first online) Collage Party! Curious about how to get started? Scroll below for a step-by-step collage how-to, press play to participate virtually in the video below beginning at 3PM PDT Sunday, October 18, and then start creating! After the party, share your creations by dropping them off at Creative Growth or by posting to social media with #TheCollageParty. We will display submissions in the window at Creative Growth and on this webpage.

Materials for The Collage Party were generously donated by Econo Jam Records.

How to participate:

1. Watch Paul Butler’s Visiting Artist Talk to inspire ideas.

2. Collect materials. 

Marion Bolton and Dinah Shapiro at The Collage Party, Creative Growth.jpg

+ imagery from magazines, discarded books, postcards, etc. 

+ scissors or exacto blade

+ glue stick or other adhesive

+ matte board, paper, or old record covers to collage onto


3. Stream The Collage Party.

Creative Growth artists at The Collage Party.jpg

Stream The Collage Party video feed above, and contribute questions and comments in the live chat feature on this page.

Closed captioning and ASL interpretation will be available; please contact if you have any accessibility questions in advance. 


4. Start collaging!

Ryan Whelan The Collage Party Creative Growth.jpg

Cut and paste alongside Creative Growth artists and Visiting Artist Paul Butler, while listening to music performed by Steve Oriolo.


5. Share your creations.


Drop off finished collages at Creative Growth, located at 355 24th Street in Oakland, 10am–4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday through October 30, or post to social media with #TheCollageParty.


More about Paul Butler and The Collage Party:

Paul Butler's Collage Party.jpg

The Collage Party is a nomadic, participatory studio produced by Paul Butler since 1997. Butler’s multidisciplinary practice is rooted in community, collaboration, and artist-run activity. In addition to his longstanding studio practice, Butler has also produced projects that include The Other Gallery (2001–11) ­­— a nomadic commercial gallery with a focus on overlooked artists; and Reverse Pedagogy (est. 2008) — a touring, collectively directed residency. Butler has served as the Curator of Contemporary Art at the Winnipeg Art Gallery and the director of 2/edition in Toronto. He has exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto; White Columns, New York City; Creative Growth Art Center, Oakland; Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong; and La Maison Rouge, Paris. He has contributed his writing to the books The Life and Times of Bill Callahan and Decentre: Concerning Artist-Run Culture, as well as publications including Border Crossings and Canadian Art. Butler’s work is held in numerous private and public collections, including the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Bank of Montreal, the Royal Bank of Canada, and TD Canada Trust.

This year’s Collage Party is dedicated to longtime Creative Growth artist John Hiltunen, who passed away in May 2020.

Paul Butler tribute to John Hiltunen.jpg

This program was supported in part by an award from the National Endowment of the Arts. Other funders include Alameda County Arts Commission, California Arts Council, and the City of Oakland's Cultural Funding Program.

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